Atarashii Gakkou No Leaders - Jiken Zenya

[ 新しい学校のリーダーズ 試験前夜 ]
[ atarashii gakkou no leedaazu - jiken zenya ]
[ New shcool leaders - night before the exam ]

暗中模索 意気消沈 以心伝心 一日千秋 
anchuumosaku ikishouchin ishindenshin ichijitsusenshuu
groping the the dark, in bad spirits, telepathically, waiting impatiently

一触即発 一進一退 一朝一タ 
isshokusokuhatsu isshinittai icchouisseki
it's touch and go, back and forth, in a single day

因果応報 海千山千 栄枯盛衰 温故知新 
ingaouhou umisenyamasen eikoseisui onkochishin
poetic justice, a sly old dog, the ups and downs of life, learning from the past

花烏風月 画竜点睛 起承転結 
kachoufuugetsu garyuutensei kishoutenketsu
the wonders of nature, the finishing touches, the story ebs and flows

奇想天外 九死一生 急転直下 公明正大 
kisoutengai kyuushiisshou kyuutenchokka koumeiseidai
a fantastic idea, a narrow escape, a sudden twist, all aboveboard

呉越同舟 古今東西 五里霧中 
goetsudoushuu kokontouzai gorimuchuu
bitter rivals, every time every place, lost at sea

言語道断 自画自賛 試行錯誤 自業自得 
gongodoudan jigajisan shikousakugo jigoujitoku
preposterous, blowing your own trumpet, trial and error, reap what you sow

七転八倒 質実剛健 弱肉強食
shichitenbattou shitsujitsugouken jakunikukyoushoku
writhing in agony, with fortitude and vigour, survival of the fittest

縦横 無尽 十人十色 心機一転 森羅万象 
juuoumujin juunintoiro shinkiitten shinrabanshou
do as you please, each to their own, changing your mind, all things all the time

青天白日 絶体絶命 千載一遇 
seitenhakujitsu zettaizetsumei senzaiichiguu
found no guilty, a stalemate, a golden opportunity

書いても書いても 頭に入らない
kaite mo kaite mo atama ni hairanai
I write and I write but they don't go in my head

書いても 書いても 忘れちゃう
kaite mo kaite mo wasurechou
I write and I write but then I forget


前代未聞 大器晩成 単純明快 電光石火 
zendaimimon taikibansei tanjunmeikai denkousekka
unprecidented, a late developer, plain and simple, lightning speed

日進月歩 半信半疑 品行方正 
nisshingeppo hanshinhangi hinkouhousei
steady progress, half-doubted, irreproachable

傍若無人 本末転倒 有言実行 優柔不断 
boujakubujin honmatsutentou yuugenjikkou yuujuufudan
audacious behavour, horse before the cart, make good on your word, indecisiveness

有名無実 用意周到 臨機応変
yuumeimujitsu youishuutou rinkiouhen
in name only, thoroughly prepared, playing it by ear

書いても書いても 頭に入らない
kaite mo kaite mo atama ni hairanai
I write and I write but they don't go in my head

書いても 書いても 忘れちゃう
kaite mo kaite mo wasurechou
I write and I write but then I forget

書いても書いても 頭に入らない
kaite mo kaite mo atama ni hairanai
I write and I write but they don't go in my head

書いても 書いても 忘れちゃう
kaite mo kaite mo wasurechou
I write and I write but then I forget

dandan ishiki ga toonoku
gradurally conciousness fades