Bish - Hoshi Ga Matataku Yoru Ni
[ BiSH - 星が瞬く夜に ]
[ BiSH - Hoshi ga Matataku Yoru ni ]
[ BiSH - On a night with twinkling stars ]
ああ嫌い やめにしない?ハッタリばかり
aa kirai yame ni shinai? hattari bakari
I don't like it, why don't I stop, just bluffing
幾千のここはまるで パラダイス?
ikusen no koko wa maru de PARADAISU?
the thousands here make it just like paradise
間違い 算数苦手な学生たちが
machigai sansuu nigate na gakusei tachi ga
wrong, students that are bad at arithmatic
あくせくと 電卓たたく 世界
akuseku to dentaku tataku sekai
furiously tap their calculators all over the world
gingin ni kakusan nasareta
ecstatically scattered around
AIDORU no mei wa ika ni?
what is an idol's life?
行かなくちゃ 化け物だって 気にすんな
ikanakucha bakemono datte ki ni sunna
I have to go, don't worry if I'm a monster
hoshi ga matataku yoru ni
On a night with twinkling stars
keep my face あどけない そりゃね 決定からの
Keep My Face adokenai sorya ne kettei kara no
Keep My Face so it's innocent, it's decided
hayasa wa ijou dashi
since it goes so fast
言わないで 化け物だって 気にすんだ
iwanaide bakemono datte ki ni sunda
don't say it, I worry that I'm a monster
hoshi ga matataku yoru ni
On a night with twinkling stars
keep my face 裏返しでも なんでもいいよ
Keep My Face uragaeshi demo nande mo ii yo
Keep My Face on the contrary everything is ok
すぐ欲しがりだね 行っちゃうの?
sugu hoshigari da ne icchau no?
I'm wanted now, so I'll go?
問題 あっけらかんに 見えてるならば
mondai akkerakan ni mieteru naraba
a problem, if you are seen looking blank
乱心で ひっきりなしに 刻みたい
ranshin de hikkiri nashi ni kiza mitai
you'll be constantly cut to shreads
正解 嘘つきだらけ問題ありの
seikai usotsuki darake mondai ari no
correct, with questions full of lies
キツネちゃんたちも ここに来れば パラダイス!
kitsune chan tachi mo koko ni kureba PARADISE!
if those cute little foxes come it will be Paradise
gingin koukishin no me tachi
those ecstatically curious eyes
AIDORU no mei wa ika ni?
what is an idol's life?
行かなくちゃ 化け物だって 気にすんな
ikanakucha bakemono datte ki ni sunna
I have to go, don't worry if I'm a monster
hoshi ga matataku yoru ni
On a night with twinkling stars
keep my face あどけない そりゃね 決定からの
Keep My Face adokenai sorya ne kettei kara no
Keep My Face so it's innocent, it's decided
hayasa wa ijou dashi
since it goes so fast
言わないで 化け物だって 気にすんだ
iwanaide bakemono datte ki ni sunda
don't say it, I worry that I'm a monster
hoshi ga matataku yoru ni
On a night with twinkling stars
keep my face 裏返しでも なんでもいいよ
Keep My Face uragaeshi demo nande mo ii yo
Keep My Face on the contrary everything is ok
すぐ欲しがりだね 行っちゃうの?
sugu hoshigari da ne icchau no?
I'm wanted now, so I'll go?
誰でも わけいかず
dare demo wake ikazu
nobody is understanding
そんなもんか? わがまま?
sonna monka? wagamama?
is that how it is? so selfish?
umaku yarou! ikou!
lets go and be a success!
gingin koukishin no me tachi
those ecstatically curious eyes
kuso no mei wa ika ni?
what is this shit life?
行かなくちゃ 化け物だって 気にすんな
ikanakucha bakemono datte ki ni sunna
I have to go, don't worry if I'm a monster
hoshi ga matataku yoru ni
On a night with twinkling stars
keep my face あどけない そりゃね 決定からの
Keep My Face adokenai sorya ne kettei kara no
Keep My Face so it's innocent, it's decided
hayasa wa ijou dashi
since it goes so fast
言わないで 化け物だって 気にすんだ
iwanaide bakemono datte ki ni sunda
don't say it, I worry that I'm a monster
hoshi ga matataku yoru ni
On a night with twinkling stars
keep my face 裏返しでも なんでもいいよ
Keep My Face uragaeshi demo nande mo ii yo
Keep My Face on the contrary everything is ok
すぐ欲しがりだね 行っちゃうの?
sugu hoshigari da ne icchau no?
I'm wanted now, so I'll go?