Deep Girl - I Kill

午後1時 ひとりぼっちのお弁当
gogo ichi ji hitoribotchi no obento
It's one o'clock, I'm eating lunch alone

回りの楽しそうな声 心 千切れそう
mawari no tanoshi sou na koe kokoro chigire sou
The happy voices all around me tear my heart apart

tonari no ano ko wa kinou made tomodachi de
Till yesterday, the girl beside me was my friend

kyou no asa kara wa shitauchi deshita
Since this morning she just tuts at me

紺のスカート からの総シカタ
kon no SUKAATO kara no sou SHIKATA
The navy blue skirt is giving me that look

Itai no itai no ga tonde ikanai no
It hurts it hurts it won't go away

kodoku ga mune o kiri saite
This loneliness is tearing me apart

Ima sugu ni de mo naki dashite shimai sou
Right now I feel like I am going to start crying

おはようの声 通り過ぎ 凍り付く視線 刺さり胸騷ぎ
ohayou no koe touri sugi kooritsuku shisen sasari mune sawagi
My morning hello is met by frozen stares that make me feel uneasy

LINEグループ 既読スルー
In our line group they read but ignoring me

液晶の上に落とす 涙のスタンプ
ekishou no ue ni otosu namida no SUTANPU
The image of a tear falling onto my screen

ブス キムイ 消える 死ぬ
BUSU KIMUI kiero shine
Ugly gross disappear die

学校 来るんじゃねえよゴミ!
gakko kuru n'ja nee yo GOMI!
Don't you dare come to school, trash!

タイムライン 溢れる悪口の後の
TAIMU RAIN afureru warukuchi no atono
The timeline overflowing with insults is underneath

Shusseki bango wa atashi no
the student number of mine

個室トイレ 鍵を閉め 好きな音楽で 耳を耳を塞いだ
koshitsu TOIRE kagi o shime suki na ongaku de mimi o fusaida
I locked the toilet door and blocked my ears with my favourite music

うつむき 膝の抱え込んだその時
utsumuki hiza no kakae konda sono toki
While I'm here face down holding my knees

ue kara furu BAKETSU no mizu
a bucket of water falls from above.

大好きだった 歌がノイズに 扉をける 音やめない
dai suki datta uta ga NOIZU ni tobira o keru oto ga yamenai
In my favourite song the noise of banging at the door won't stop

悪い所 あったんなら 本当 謝るよ
warui tokoro attannara hontou ayamaru yo
if I'm in the wrong place I'm really sorry

だからもう お願い 許して
dakara mou onegai yurushite
so please forgive me

誰か あたしの声を 聞いて
dareka atashino koe o kiite
Will somebody listen to me

ためらい傷を 飛び越えて 青空え
tamerai kizu o tobi koete aozora e
hesitatingly I fly over my wounds towards blue sky

(dive right in)

かなあみを越えて 全部 塗り潰そう
kanaami o koete zenbu nuritsu busou
Cross over the wired-fence and we'll paint over it all

(owari ni shiyou)
(and end it)

konna inochi nado
This life of mine

AI KIRU tte kotoba tte
I kill, the word means

kizu tsuite
being hurt

ああ 軽々しい
aa karugaru shii
Without thought

sono shisen o
with that look

nidoto mukenaide
never again towards me

saa kooritsuita
its frozen in place

kimi to no jikan
the time with you

kimi to no wakare
parting from you

kimi to no deai
first meeting you

kizamu yo
is set in stone

午後3時 体育終わり更衣室
gogo san ji taiiku owari koushitsu
3 o'clock after gym in the locker room

youyaku korede ie ni kaereru
at last I should be able to going home

その筈が どこにもない制服
sono hazu ga doko ni mo nai saifuku
but my uniform is nowhere to be seen

tooku kara ano kotachi ga waratteru
I hear them laghing in the distance

ジャージで出席 ホームローム
JYAAJI de shusseki suru HOOMU RUUMU
I go to home room in my jumpter

gomibaku shizunde ita hikkiyougu
I found my pens in the trash bin

ROOFAA oyogu houkago no PUURU
After school I found my shoes swimming in the pool

乾くまで 家にわ 帰れない
kawaku made ie ni wa kaerenai
I can't go home untill they're dry

家族にわ 心配かけたくはないの
kazoku ni wa shinpai kaketaku nai no
I don't want to make my family worry

いつもお仕事 ありがとう パパ
itsumo o-shigoto arigatou PAPA
thank you for working so hard dad

美味しいご飯 ありがとう ママ
oshii gohan arigatou MAMA
thank for the nice food mum

それから ごめんね
sore kara gomen ne
but I'm sorry

あったかい声 柔らかい眼差し
attakai koe yawarakai manazashi
your warn voice and soft gaze

浴びたら 多分  泣いてしまうから
abitara tabun naite shimau kara
if I see them I might not stop crying

今夜も 部屋から出れずにいる
konya mo heya kara derezu ni iru
tonight again without leaving my room

jibun de jibun o dakishimete iru
on my own just holding myself

ここには 逃げられる 道がない
koko ni wa nigerareru michi ga nai
there's no way to escape from here

だから カッターで 新しい地図を書く
dakara KATTAA de atarashii chizu o kaku
so I draw a new map with this knife

kekkyoku koko de saemo maigo da ne
but in the end even here I am a lost child

nemurezu asa ga kuru dake
without sleeping untill morning comes

ijimerareru hou ni mondai ga aru
The one bullied also has a problem

空気読めない 奴が悪い
kuuki yomenai yatsu ga warui
its their fault they can't read the mood

sore kara kuuki ni dareka FIRIGANA futte yo
in that case can someone spell it for me

そしたら バカな私でも 読めるかな?
soshitara BAKA na watashi mo yomeru ka na?
that way maybe even stupid me can understand?

愛切る って 言葉って
ai kiru tte kotoba tte
love ends, the words mean

ima hitsuyou nai
I don't need it now,

sono serifu o
your explanation

naki dasanaide
don't spit it out at me

tada motometeta
I just wished for

kibou no jikan
time for hope

ima motometeta
now I'm asking

teokure ni naru
before it becomes

sono mae ni
too late

aa ima tobikonde
I am falling down

saisho no chuucho koereba yoru to
the hesitation at first will pass

iitsukerareta haruuri no shoujo
the girl on sale was told

iwareta toori datta ne
it was as she was told

「それ前に先に お金ちょうだいね」
"sore mae ni saki ni okane choudai ne"
but first give the money please

koto ga owaru no o zutto matteta
All along I was waiting for it to end

あたしが軋む 人形みたいに
atashi ga kishimu ningyou mitai ni
I was stiff like a doll

もう どこにも帰れない
mou doko ni mo kaerenai
now I have now where else to go

恐怖  絶望  孤独  ジ エンド
kyoufu zetsibou kodoku JI ENDO
Fear Despair isolation the end

自傷  遺書  存在が透明
jishou isho sonzai ga toumei
self harm last letter I am invisible

恐怖  絶望  孤独  ジ エンド
kyoufu zetsibou kodoku JI ENDO
Fear Despair isolation the end

自傷  遺書  存在が透明
jishou isho sonzai ga toumei
self harm last letter I am invisible

ああ 生きる って 言葉って
aa ikiru tte kotoba tte
To live, the word means

kizu tsuite
being hurt

ああ 軽々しい
aa karugaru shii
Without thought

sono shisen o
with that look

nidoto mukenaide
never again towards me

saa kooritsuita
is frozen over

kimi to no jikan
the time with you

kimi to no wakare
parting from you

kimi to no deai
first meeting you

kizamu yo
is set in stone

恐怖  絶望  孤独  ジ エンド
kyoufu zetsibou kodoku JI ENDO
Fear Despair isolation the end

自傷  遺書  存在が透明
jishou isho sonzai ga toumei
self harm last letter I am invisible

恐怖  絶望  孤独  ジ エンド
kyoufu zetsibou kodoku JI ENDO
Fear Despair isolation the end

自傷  遺書  存在が透明
jishou isho sonzai ga toumei
self harm last letter I am invisible