Greva - Samura Metal
静けさを取り戻した 私の庭で
shizukesa wo torimodoshita watashi no niwa de
I regained the silence in my garden
ざわめぐ虫たちが 賛美歌を唄う
zawamegu mushi tachi ga sanbika wo utau
the noisy insects are singing a hymm
Tommorow whispered I never forget
The screaming of spirit that had been left behind
kono te de hiki saita kizuna wo
the emotional bonds torn up with my own hands
受け止めて 生きる術をおしえて
uketomete ikiru sube wo oshiete
I am getting to grips, teaching me how to live
傷つき奪った幾千の希望 爪痕隠して
kizutsuki ubatta ikusen no kibou tsumeato kakushite
the hopes of a thousand years are stolen with wounds and hidden scars
まだ脳裏に響いいてる 砂の犇めき
mada nouri ni hibiiteru suna no hishimeki
the clamour of sand still echos in your mind
眠れぬ夜に咲く 月下美人の夢
nemurenu yoru ni saku gekkabijin no yume
and dreams of the cactus that blooms in sleepless nights
あなたには全てのこと 話せないか
anata ni wa subete no koto hanasenai kara
because you where not told about anything
この花に閉じ込めた 届きますように
kono hana ni tojikometa todokimasu you ni
it was delivered lockup up in this flower
神風吹き乱れ 報われぬ
kamikaze fuki midare mukuwarenu
the divine wind blows disorder with no reward
宿命と強さの意図 きかせて
shukumei to tsuyosa no ito kikasete
and displays the intentions of destiny and power
崩れゆく栄光 消し去った 想い 最期だけは咲かせて
kuzareyuku eikou keshisatta omoi saigo dake sakasete
with memory of a broken glory, brought into flower at the last moment
kono te de hiki saita kizuna wo
the emotional bonds torn up with my own hands
受け止めて 生きる術をおしえて
uketomete ikiru sube wo oshiete
I am getting to grips, teaching me how to live
傷つき奪った幾千の希望 爪痕隠して
kizutsuki ubatta ikusen no kibou tsumeato kakushite
the hopes of a thousand years are stolen with wounds and hidden scars