Leiwan - Shounin Yokkyuu
承認 承認 承認 欲求 承認 承認 承認 欲求
shounin shounin shounin yokkyuu shounin shounin shounin yokkyuu
approved approved approved desire approved approved approved desire
承認 承認 承認 欲求 承認 承認 承認 欲求
shounin shounin shounin yokkyuu shounin shounin shounin yokkyuu
approved approved approved desire approved approved approved desire
顎に手置いて 可愛い お似合いねw
ago ni te oite kawaii oniai ne (w)
chin in my hands is cute is really suits
いいね いいね いいね 100万回
iine iine iine hyakuman kai
like like like a million times
みんあ鼻で笑ってる お花畑SNS えすえーぬえす
minna hana de waratteru ohanabatake ESU ENU ESU
everyone laughs at it, social media is flower field
教えてあげる 大人たちも狂ってる
oshiete ageru otonatachi mo kurutteru
I'll teach you, even the adults are crazy
saitan yarimasu iwatte kudasai?
do a birthday, let me celebrate
doko no GURUUPU iwatte kure n da?
which group are we celebrating
愛想笑い フザケンナヨ (マザファッカー)
fake smiles don't mess with me bitch
ホームパーティーだ! (友達いないけど!)
HOOMU PAATII da (tomodachi inai kedo!)
it's a home party (but I have no friends)
そうやって見栄張って 頑張ってるアピールする
sou yatte miebatte ganbatteru APEERU suru
do it like that, just pretend, tryng hard to appeal
jidori kakou dare desu ka?
making selfies, who is that?
SUMAHO genkai SHOOTO sunzen BARN!!!
the phone sees just in front BANG!
鳴呼 傷舐めあって 鳴呼 もっと愛してよ
(AAAH) kizunameatte (AAAH) motto aishite yo
(aaah) licking the wounds (aaah) love me some more
鳴呼 ぎゅっと満たされたい 鳴呼 言葉足りないんだ
(AAAH) gyutto mitasaretai (AAAH) kotoba tarinai n da
(aaah) want to be fully satisfied (aaah) words are not enough
推してはきえる推せる時に 推せよ
oshite wa kieru oseru toki ni ose yo
to be a fan is support whenever you can
kono yo wa zankoku sigiru kara
because this world is too hard
boku kara me wo hanasanaide
don't take your eyes of me
承認 承認 承認 欲求 承認 承認 承認 欲求
shounin shounin shounin yokkyuu shounin shounin shounin yokkyuu
approved approved approved desire approved approved approved desire
承認 承認 承認 欲求 承認 承認 承認 欲求
shounin shounin shounin yokkyuu shounin shounin shounin yokkyuu
approved approved approved desire approved approved approved desire
速報 マジで卒業か?!
sokuhou MAJI de sotsugyou ka?!
newsflash what? graduated?
速報 俺はOOちゃんを信じるから!!
sokuhou ore wa marumaru chan shinjiteru kara!
newsflash but I believed in what's-her-name
速報 規約違反だって?!
sokuhou kiyaku ihan datte?!
newsflash she broke the rules?
速報 噓だろ病むわ~
sokuhou uso daro yamu wa
newsflash not true I hope, that's sick
チェキ撮ってチェキ撮って 真実を確かめたい(あれって本当?)
CHEKI totte CHEKI totte shinjitsu wo tashikametai (arette hontou?)
take a picture, take a picture, I want to check for real (is that true?)
チェキ!撮って!チェキ!撮って!(時間です。) 剥がされ終わり~
CHEKI totte CHEKI totte (jikan desu!) hagasare owari
take a picture, take a picture, (time's up!) peeled and finished
oshi no GURUUPU ga kaisan suru n datte
your favorite group is disbanded
oshiMEN ga inaku natte shimou yo
and your beloved idol is vanished
どこの現場行けばいいんだよ 明日には別現場
doko no ganba ikeba ii n da yo ashita ni wa betsugenba
any place will do, tomorrow another place
oshi no GURUUPU ga namae kaete DEBYUU datte
your favorite group changed their name and debut again
oshi kashita kedo, mata demodori da yo
the fans have changed but she's back on the job
(modotte kurutte shinjiteta yo)
(I always believed she's come back)
MAJI saitei MAJI KIRAI majime ni MAJI hentai
really the lowest, really detest, deliberately depraved
(asonderu hime nante nai tte)
(said you don't have time to play)
sasaete agenakucha? honto warawasenna
you have to support them? honestly not laughing
TAGU tsuke genkai SHOOTO sunzen BARN!
just in front of view, tagged, Bang!
鳴呼 かまってください 鳴呼 頭バグりそう
(AAAH) kamatte kudasai (AAAH) atama BAGU risou
(aaah) please give a care (aaah) the dream is in your head
鳴呼 気づいて下さい 鳴呼 好きが止まらない
(AAAH) kidzuite kudasai (AAAH) suki ga tomaranai
(aaah) please notice me (aaah) this liking never stops
推してはきえる推せる時に 推せよ
oshite wa kieru oseru toki ni ose yo
to be a fan is support whenever you can
kono yo wa zankoku sigiru kara
because this world is too hard
boku kara me wo hanasanaide
don't take your eyes of me
言いたいことも 言えない世の中で
iitai koto mo ienai yononaka de
what I want to say in the world that doesn't say it
言いたいことを 言っただけだよ
iitai koto mo itta dake da yo
what I want to say, I just said it you know
sore wo kuchi ni dasenai
that doesn't come out of my mouth
それを口にする 未来開けるんだ
sore wo kuchinisuru mirai akeru n da
I speak about it in a brighter future
もーいいなだ 誰にどう言われたって
mo- ii na da dare ni dou iwareta tte
that's enough, whoever told you that
watashi ga eranda michi kara
because it's the road I choose
(zenryoku de hassin suru dake)
(but I transmit with all my power)
WATASHI WO mitashite!!
please satisfy me !
鳴呼 傷舐めあって 鳴呼 もっと愛してよ
(AAAH) kizunameatte (AAAH) motto aishite yo
(aaah) licking the wounds (aaah) love me some more
鳴呼 ぎゅっと満たされたい 鳴呼 言葉足りないんだ
(AAAH) gyutto mitasaretai (AAAH) kotoba tarinai n da
(aaah) want to be fully satisfied (aaah) words are not enough
鳴呼 かまってください 鳴呼 頭バグりそう
(AAAH) kamatte kudasai (AAAH) atama BAGU risou
(aaah) please give a care (aaah) the dream is in your head
鳴呼 気づいて下さい 鳴呼 好きが止まらない
(AAAH) kidzuite kudasai (AAAH) suki ga tomaranai
(aaah) please notice me (aaah) this liking never stops
推してはきえる推せる時に 推せよ
oshite wa kieru oseru toki ni ose yo
kono se wa zankoku sigiru kara
果てない 承認 承認 承認 承認 欲求
hatenai shounin shounin shounin shounin yokkyuu
ther is no end, approved approved approved approved desire
承認 承認 承認 欲求 承認 承認 承認 欲求
shounin shounin shounin yokkyuu shounin shounin shounin yokkyuu
approved approved approved desire approved approved approved desire
承認 承認 承認 欲求 承認 承認 承認 欲求
shounin shounin shounin yokkyuu shounin shounin shounin yokkyuu
approved approved approved desire approved approved approved desire
tsu dzu ki wa bu u pa n de
the rest is at the merch shop