Migma Shelter - 69

[ Lyricist:空五倍子 ]
[ Composer:CMJK ]


星降る夜の Mellow 僕らは出会うのさ
hoshi furu yoru no MELLOW bokura wa deau no sa
in the mellow of a starry night, we all meet up

指を這わせるのは ふざけたパルスのせい
yubi wo hawaseru no wa fuzaketa PARUSU no sei
it made our fingers creep, caused by a foolish pulse

冗談めかしてる でも見え透いてる
joudan mekashiteru demo miesuiteru
hidden in jokes, but seen through

あくまで Try out 骨まで喰らい合う
akumade TRY OUT hone made kuraiau
till the end I try out, to the bones take hits

mechakucha ni shitai
I want to do the absurd

星降る夜は Slow 一瞬がこびりつく
hoshi furu yoru wa SLOW isshun ga kobiritsuku
in the slowness of a starry night, I cling to a moment

気のせいさ ふざけたパルスのせい
kinosei sa fuzaketa PARUSU no sei
it's my imagination, caused by a foolish pulse

大体で逸らしてんだ 曖昧なる作法
daitai de sorashite nda aimai naru sahou
mostly missing the main point, my manners have become vauge

果てまで Vacant ギリギリ生還
hate made VACANT GIRIGIRI seikan
vatant untill the end, just barely making it

karrapo ni shitai
I wanted to make it emptry

MONOKUROOMU no hibi wo tsukitobashite
turning away from the monochrome days

oboreteku no wa wakarikitteta
it was obviously going to be sunk

kasanaru dake de ii
just piling it up is fine

kazoekirenai wagamama wo DEZAATO ni
countless selfishnesses left in the desert

boku no saigo wo tabetsukusu no ka
Am I eating up my last of them

嘘みたく赤い Twilight
uso mitaku akai TWILIGHT
I want to lie in red Twilight


抗う気がしないのは  ふざけたパルスのせい
aragau ki ga shinai no wa fuzaketa PARUSU no sei
I'm not in the mood to fight, for teh sake of a foolish pulse

冗談めかしてる でも見え透いてる
joudan mekashiteru demo miesuiteru
hidden in jokes, but seen through

あくまで Try out 骨まで喰らい合う
akumade TRY OUT hone made kuraiau
till the end I try out, to the bones take the hits.

mechakucha ni shitai
I want to do the absurd

MONOKUROOMU no hibi wo tsukitobashite
turning away from the monochrome days

oboreteku no wa wakarikitteta
it was obviously going to be sunk

kasanaru dake de ii
just piling it up is fine

BAIKU wo nusumu hodo WARU ja nai shi
only stealing a bike isn't so bad

wakareta GARASU no atokatatsuke
cleaning up the broken glass

jiyuu wo sotsugyou shiteru
is graduating to your freedom

MONOKUROOMU no hibi wo tsukitobashite
turning away from the monochrome days

oboreteku no wa wakarikitteta
it was obviously going to be sunk

嘘みたく赤い Twilight
uso mitaku akai TWILIGHT
I want to lie in red Twilight
