Migma Shelter - Ake No Uta

[ MIGMA SHELTER - 明けの歌 / Ake no uta / dawn's song ]
[Lyricist:タニヤマヒロアキ / Hiroaki Taniyama ]
[Composer:タニヤマヒロアキ / Hiroaki Taniyama ]

絶え間なき咆哮 芯を喰らい身も喰らう
tamaenaku houkou shin wo kurai mi wo kurau
the heart that wont stop crying consumes the consumer

kemono ni asobareru KANARIA
the canaries plays with the beast

kouritsuita shikou wa souzou wo koenai
thoughts frozen in place can't escape imagination

fumikonda shinen wa karera no mori
the abyss entered is their forest

mukidashita mi ni sasu fuurai no ourai
windthunder's highway pierces my bare body

kao wo dashita shin no KARIGYURA
Caligula spirit show's his face

sotto kubi ni mawaru yubi wa tokenai
soft fingers around my neck will not come lose

この骨に伝うは 宵の歌
kono hone ni tsutau wa yoi no uta
the evening song follows these bones


(今宵も唄えや唄えや 終わりなき宵の宴)
(koyoi mo utae ya utae ya owarinaki yoi no utage)
(tonight sing and sing and a never ending night party)

(今宵も踊れや踊れや 終わりなき宵の宴)
(koyoi mo odore ya odore ya owarinaki yoi no utage)
(tonight dance and dance and a never ending night party)

(今宵も回れや回れや 終わりなき宵の宴)
(koyoi mo maware ya maware ya owarinaki yoi no utage)
(tonight around and around and a never ending night party)

(今宵も喰らえや喰らえや 終わりなき宵の宴)
(koyoi mo kurae ya kurae ya owarinaki yoi no utage)
(tonight eat and eat and a never ending night party)


黒い歌 私を掴む
kuroi uta watashi wo tsukamu
a dark song takes hold of me

獣は言う その足でさあ逃げてみろ
kemono wa iu sono ashi de saa nigete miro
as the beast talks, I try to escape away

炎が上がり 煙は舞い 動き出した regulation
honoo ga agari kemuri wa mai ugokidashita REGULATION
the flame and rising smoke swirls, it's comes alive Regulation

獣は歌う 無邪気に歌う
kemono wa utau mujyaki ni utau
the beast sings innocently sings

祭りように その脚で土も鳴らして
matsuri you ni sono ashi de tsuchi mo narashite
like a festival the ground beats to these feet

その音に混ざり 聴こえだした
sono ne ni mazari kikoedashita
mixed with this sound I hear coming out

dareka no sasayaki
somebody's whisper


'You watch'

嘘のようで 悪夢のような
uso no you de akumu no you na
like an unbelievable bad dream

この色 あの歌さえも
kono iro ano uta saemo
this colour, even that song


内に住まう 哀れな judge
uchi ni sumau aware na JUDGE
inside lives the Judge of sadness

for save your life


絶え間なき咆哮 芯を喰らい身も喰らう
tamaenaku houkou shin wo kurai mi wo kurau
the heart that wont stop crying consumes the consumer

kemono ni asobareru KANARIA
the canaries plays with the beast

それはもう ただ祈るだけの贄じゃない
sore wa mou tada inoru dake no nie ja nai
is that is still just a normal gift of a prayer

sotto koe wo kasanete mireba ii sa
best to try repeatedly with soft voices

誘惑を埋める emotion
yuuwaku wo umeru EMOTION
bury the temptation, Emotion

指針は常に この胸の中
shishin wa tsuneni kono mune no naka
the pointer is always inside my heart

強く鳴る この音叉
tsuyoku naru kono onsa
strongly sounding, my tuning fork

終幕を拒む sensation
shuumaku wo kobamu SENSATION
refusing the end, Sensation

riyuu naki honnou to iu saga
one's destiny is instinct without reason

故にすでに 灯は点いていた
yueni sudeni hi wa tsuitita
therefore the light is already lit

黒い歌 私も歌う 離れはしないのさ
kuroi uta watashi mo utau wakare wa shinai no sa
the dark song I also sing, I won't be seperated

陰と陽 宵と明けは
intoyou yoi to ake wa
light and dark, dawn and dusk

それならばもう 逃げはしないのさ
sorenaraba mou nige wa shinai no sa
In that case I will never escape

今宵 一人歌う 明けの歌
koyoi hitori utau ake no uta
tonight I sing along, dawn's song
