Migma Shelter - Egg Head
Lyricist : タニヤマヒロアキ / Taniyama Hiroaki
Composer : タニヤマヒロアキ / Taniyama Hiroaki + Tomohiko Togashi
Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy
Crazy Crazy Crazy Crazy Head
ジョークみたいな 目も口もある卵
JYOOKU mitai na me mo kuchi mo aru tamago
an egg with joke like eyes and mouth
よく見たら あの本に出てくる彼かしら
yoku mitara ano hon ni detekuru are kashira
look closely and maybe he'll appear in that book
[ cockadoodle-doo! ]
さあ 僕が皆様ご存知 Humpty
saa boku ga minasama gozonji HUMPTY
well I'm Humpty as everyone knows
壁の上の紳士 DaDaDa Dumpty
kabe no ue no shinshi DADADA Dumpty
the gentleman on the wall DaDaDa Dumpty
そう 僕が他ならぬ Mr. Humpty
sou boku ga hokanaranu MR. HUMPTY
yes I'm nothing but Mr. Humpty
DaDaDa DiDiDi DeDeDe DoDoDo Dumpty
acchi kocchi tomaranai ohanashi
here and there a never ending story
KACHIKOCHI nazo nazo mitai na
like a tick tocking riddle
Long Long おしゃべり
LONG LONG oshaberi
long long conversation
imi nante nai n deshou
with nothing like any meaning
Wrong Wrong ばかり
nothing but wrong wrong
iimakasu no ga osuki na no?
I you like to talk people down?
冬ハ君ノタメニ コノ詩ヲ歌ウ
fuyu WA kimi NO TAME NI KONO utas WOI uaU
winter sings thing song for you
春ガ萌エル頃ニ 理解ルトイイネ
haru GA moERU koro ni wakaRU TO II NE
when spring blooms you'll understand well
[ cockadoodle-doo! ]
憂イ流シ マタ不例逃シテ
ureI nagaSHI MATA furei nogaSHITE
sorrow pours but still fails to set free
ゾンザイナク 二ツ太ル
without rudeness the two get fat
aI SORO ji hitaSHI
soaking in the time to meet
arigatou mo ii no
that's enough thankyous
素敵な Crazy Head
sutaki na CRAZY HEAD
a wonderful crazy head
おやすみ Egg
oyasumi EGG
goodnight egg
Crazy Crazy Head
And you are Creepy Creepy Head
Crazy Crazy Head
And you are Creepy Head