Migma Shelter - Gips
Lyricist : 空五倍子 / Utsubushi
Composer : タニヤマヒロアキ / Taniyama Hiroaki
Honey 軋ませ狂わせる Pretty な Girl, Hey
HONEY kishimase kuruwaseru PRETTY na GIRL, HEY
Honey, pretty girl creaking with insanity, hey
odokeru KIMI tojikomeru yugure
you jest, twilight locked away in
骨を召しませ捧げる時を Gips
hone wo meshimase sasageru toki wo GIPS
the bones that were summoned are offered, gips
Hibiscusを夜に浸すなら Gasp
HIBISCUS wo yoru ni hitasu nara GASP
if the hibiscus is soaked in evening, gasp
kuchibiru no beni nuru no akitaranu shoujora
girls who never tire of painting their lips red
nagai wakare wo enjiru kodoku na CHANDORAA
the lonley Chandler suffers long seperation
dakitarazu koko e modoru unmei
feted to return here to sleep alone
虹をなぞるように辿り着けば Shame
niji wo nazoru you ni todorutsukeba SHAME
like following a rainbow finally arriving shame
sekirara ni musaboru koigokoro
love awakened craving nakedness
闇夜も照らす魔法の Peridot
yamiyo mo terasu mahou no PERIDOT
the magic peritot shines in the darkness of night
ureshi kanashi GURUGURU shite DJ
the DJ spins happpiness and sadness
愛だから泣いたなら祭り始める Brain
ai dakara naita nara matsuri hajimeru BRAIN
if you cried for love a festival begun in your brain
daremo kare mo kemuri ni naru maebure
an omen that he or anyone will turn into smoke
ターミナルの逢瀬、躊躇うなら Gips
TAAMINARU no ouse tamerau nara GIPS
terminal rendezvous, if you hesitate GIPS
揺れる波に愛しさを投げ捨て Gasp
yureru nami ni utsukushisa wo nagesuteru GASP
throw away beauty into the swaying wave GASP
iraira rairai, shinkirou mitai ni FADE
irritating future, like a mirage FADE
えんやこら魔性の枯れる Face
enyakora mashou no kareru FACE
heave ho, withered by magic FACE
幾億を超える言霊 on the low
ikuoku wo koeru kotodama ON THE LOW
words have power over many millions ON THE LOW
kurikaesu nami ni obieru n darou
am I drowning in wave after wave?
宵越し連れ帰る Kerberos
yoigoshi tsurekaeru KERBEROS
taken home overnight Kerberos
afuredashita namida, asahi ni sarasu
tears are overflowing, exposed to the air
ureshi kanashi GURUGURU shite DJ
the DJ spins happpiness and sadness
sora suki na kora wa aoi PAREEDO no hate
children who love the sky are at the blue parade's edge
海への帰路 ほうら渡れ刹那
umi e no kiro houra watare setsuna
way back to the sea, behold the moment of crossing
とろけ出す連想の Flavor
toroke dasu resou no FLAVOUR
the suggested flavour melts out
hibiwareteru ue no REIRAA
the top layer is peeling off
sore wo tori torihazureba meisou
if you remove it then you meditate
rasen wa kouen no souwa
helix is an eternal episode
とろけ出す連想の Flavor
toroke dasu resou no FLAVOUR
the suggested flavour melts out
wadakamari no VENUS
with reserved thoughts Venus
sore wo tsuranuita nara
if that penetrated
rasen wa kouen no souwa
helix is an eternal episode
空好きな子らは 蒼いパレードへ Ah
sora suki na kora wa aoi PAREEDO e AH
children who love the sky head for the blue parade AH
Hey, 曇りガラスの向こうは
HEY, kumoriGURASU no mukou wa
Hey, through the smoked glass
Hey, 痛みに気づかないふりで
HEY, itami ni kidzukanai furi de
Hey, predending not to feel the pain
Hey, 花びら噛み締める人々
HEY, hanabira kamishimeru hitobito
Hey, people chew through the petals
wana kurabena
unlike a trap
Hey, キミの手を離した日から
HEY, KIMI no te hanashita hi kara
Hey, since the day I let go of your hand
Hey, 僕は混乱の毎日さ
HEY, boku wa konran no mainichi sa
Hey, my days have been kaos
Hey, 痛みから逃れようとして
HEY, itami kara nogareyou toshite
Hey, If I should run away from the pain
Let me save my hart
Hey, Gipsの中で心はCall
HEY, GIPS no naka de kokoro wa CALL
Hey, in Gips is my heart, call
Hey, 水中のような速さでしか
HEY, suichuu no you na hayasa deshika
Hey, like swiftness underwater
Hey, 進められやしないのさ World
HEY, susumerareya shinai no sa WORLD
Hey, can only be moved forward, World
hibi kurabena
unlike everyday
Hey, 閉じ込められたままで Hey
HEY, tojikomerareta mama de HEY
Hey, left locked away, hey
Hey, 焼け爛れた灼熱は
HEY, yaketadareta shakunetsu wa
Hey, burned down scorching heat is
夜にlay down the law
at night lay down the law