Migma Shelter - Paralyzing
Lyricist:タニヤマヒロアキ (Taniyaka Hiroaki)
Composer:タニヤマヒロアキ (Taniyaka Hiroaki)
明け方の空に鳴く カナリア
akegata no sora ni naku KANARIA
The canary cries in the morning sky
暗がりに ぽつり産声と灯される篝
kuragari ni potsuri ubugoe to tomosareru kagari
when a lone baby cries and a torch is lit
さあここは 僕らの世界
saa koko wa bokura no sekai
so this place is our world
音の葉で満たし描いた 刹那の法
oto no ha de mitashi kaita setsuna no hou
a moment of law drawn complete by the leaves of sound
故にもう何も 枷などはなく
yueni mou nanimo kase nado wa naku
and so there are no restraints
seidaku wo idaku kairaku
pleasure embraces good and evil
すぐ Paralyzing
at once paralyzing
灯された祝祭のFlame なびけば
tomosareta shukusai no FLAME nabikeba
if the lighted flame of a festival resounds
緩む体の中を静かに伝っていく このFever
yurumu karada no naka wo shizukani tsutatte iku kono FEVER
this fever will flow silently inside my lose body
そうここは あなたの世界
saa koko wa anata no sekai
so this place is your world
音の葉で満たし泳ぐ MIGMAの法
oto no ha de mitashi oyogu MIGMA no hou
Migma's law fulfilled swimming in the leaves of sound
故にもう何も 枷などはなく
yueni mou nanimo kase nado wa naku
and so there are no restraints
seidaku wo idaku kairaku
pleasure embraces good and evil
さあ Paralyzing
it's paralyzing
[ repeat x 3 ]
そうして溢れ出す I は肥大 明らむ視界
soushite afuredasu I wa hidai akaramu shikai
and so overflowing I grown in an enlightening world
身を預けるほど 勇敢になっていく鼓動
mi wo azukeru hodo yuukan ni natte iku kodou
I give myself to the beat as it emboldens my body
瞬く間 この脳を貫けThunder
matataku ma kono nou wo tsuranuke THUNDER
in a flash thunder is shooting through my brain
This is the paralyzing