Migma Shelter - Queen

Lyricist:タニヤマヒロアキ / Hiroaki Taniyama
Composer:タニヤマヒロアキ / Hiroaki Taniyama


michi no sono saki ni hirogaru
stretching out at the end of the road

薔薇の園 胸は高鳴るの
bara no sono mune wa takanaru
a rose garden, my heart beats fast

響く合唱 従順なカード
hibiku gashou juujun na KAADO
echoing chorus, the subdued card

歌いましょう 気が紛れるよ
utaimashou kigamagireru yo
let us sing, as a distraction

(Lonely heart Glowing soul)

理解できない Relation 盲目な兵士たちは
rikai dekinai RELATION moumoku na heishitachi wa
not understanding, relation, the blind soldiers there

Red and red and red

And red and red and red Just do it

(Lonely heart Glowing soul)

理不尽な Regulation 戦えばいいでしょう
rifujin na REGULATION tatakaeba ii deshou
an unreasonable regulation, surely ok to fight it

In red and red red

And red and red and red

Just time of the war (You ready)

The time of the war (You ready)

Just time of the war (You ready)

The time of the war (You ready)


これは私の最初の抵抗 流されたくはないの
kore wa watashi no saisho no teikou nagasaretaku wa nai no
this here is my last stand, I won't let it wash away

tsuyoku nanka nai kedo
although it's not so strong

私の小さな戦争 胸が熱くなっていくよ
watashi no chisana sensou mune ga astukunatte iku yo
it's my small war, I'm so fraught with emotion

戸惑いに踊らされたのはもう Before
tomadoi ni odorasareta no wa mou BEFORE
made to dance around in frustration, before

The queen of heart

ご丁寧な挨拶で促す 君の番だ
gotenei na aisatsu de unagasu kimi no ban da
I uege a polite introduction, it's your turn

Yes, Your Majesty

怠惰で傲慢な目は語る This is wonderland
taida de gouman na me wa kataru THIS IS WONDERLAND
lazily those haughty eyes say, this is wonderland

The queen of heart

嘲笑の Everyone 構わないわ
azakeriwarai no EVERYBODY kamawanai wa
they laugh and sneer, everybody doesn't care

Yes, Your Majesty

kodoku no hou ga zutto kowai mono deshou
is the path of solitude is always a scary one


Stay away ここにはもう用なんかないわ
STAY AWAY koko ni wa mou you nanka nai wa
stay away, here there's still nothing for you

Stay away 茶番も飲み干してやるは QUEEN
STAY AWAY chaban mo nomihoshite yaru wa QUEEN
stay away, also drinking the charade is the queen

摩訶不思議な世界で 声を張る Innocence
makafushigi na sekai de koe wo haru INNOCENCE
my voice in this profoundly mysterious world, innocence

ルールからはみ出した Joker
RUURU kara hamidashita JOKER
not following the rules, joker

いかさま師の木槌が 木霊する Trial
ikasamashi no kidzuchi ga kodama suru TRIAL
the swindlers hammer sounds a blow, trial

涙で駆け出す In the end
namida de kakedasu IN THE END
I run off in tears, in the end

The end