Migma Shelter - Rabiddo
Lyricist:タニヤマヒロアキ / Hiroaki Taniyama
Composer:タニヤマヒロアキ / Hiroaki Taniyama
私のそばをかける 小さなその影
watashi no soba wo kakeru chisana sono kage
hanging next to me is a small shadow
tokei no ne ni sekasare
hurried by the sound of the clock
走り出す White あわてる Rabbit
hashiridasu WHITE awateru RABBIT
running out white, a paniced rabbit
ねえ どうして私を無視して行くの?
nee doushite watashi wo mushi shite iku no?
say why do you go and ignore me
その耳は飾り Mr?
sono mimi wa kazari MR.?
are those ears decorations Mr.?
I wonder how far will it fall
chuu ni ukanda ORENJI MAAMAREEDO
orange marmalade floating in the air
maru de hane mitai ni
just like in feathers
ochite iku watashi ga odoru koukishin no RONDO
as I'm falling I dance a rondo of curiosity
kaettara kikasetai no
when I get home I want to tell you
ごめんねダイナ いい子で待っていて
gomen ne DAINA ii ko de matte ite
sorry Daina I'm waiting for a good girl
私を抱える 空気のゆりかご
watashi wo kakaeru kuuki no yurikago
a cradle of air is carrying me
不可思議も もう慣れたわ
fukashigi mo mou nareta wa
unfathamable but skillfully
誰一人いない この深すぎる井戸
darehitori inai kono fukasugiru ido
there is nobody here in this very deep well
もう一度 時計の音が聞きたいよ
mou ichido tokei no ne ga kikitai yo
I want to hear the sound of the clock again
顔を見せて Mr 森の紳士みたいな
kao wo misete MR mori no shinshi mitai na
show your face Mr. like a gentleman of the forest
SHIRUETTO ga me ni ukabu no
a silouette floats in my eyes
現れてよ Mr 道化師みたいな
arawarete yo MR doukeshi mitai na
appear for me Mr. like a clown
fuan ga kyoumi wo tabete iku no
anxiety will consume my interest
走り去る White あわてる Rabbit
hashirisaru WHITE awateru RABBIT
run away white, paniced rabbit
ねえ どうして私を無視して行くの?
nee doushite watashi wo mushi shite iku no?
say why do you go an ignore me
burei datte omottari shinai no?
don't you think that impolite
レディに会ったら 微笑んで
REDI ni attara hohoende
if you meet a lady then smile
おじぎするものよ Mr
ojigi suru mono yo MR
and give a bow Mr.