Migma Shelter - Redo


作曲/ 作詞 - タニヤマヒロアキ
Sakkyoku / Sakushi - TANIYAMA HIROAKI
Music / Lyrics - TANIYAMA Hiroaki


(Don't you know?)

(Listen to me)

[ .. ]

こっちの意見なんか秒でSweep I'm not somebody 壁打ちしてんじゃねえよ
Kocchi no iken nanka byou de sweep I'm not somebody kabe uchishiten ja nee yo
my opinion is gone in a second, I'm not somebody, don't you hit that wall

出る杭小刻みに打つ 音ゲーでもしてるんすか?
deru kui kokizami ni utsu otoGEE demo shiteru n su ka?
smashing that post that sticks out, are you playing music games?

かと思えば不意にPause 伏線回収深夜のLINE
kato omoeba fui ni pause fukusen kaishuu shinya no line
I thought you where but then suddenly pause, remembering late night LINE message

Coz劇的気分Wave Andベタベタなシュガーコーチング Lie
coz gekiteki kibun wave and BETABETA na SHUGAAKOOCHINGU lie
Cos a theatrical mood says hi, and a sugar coating lies

Redo (ah)

デジャブなか? Redo (ah)
DEJABU ka na?  Redo (ah)
Is it deja-vu? Redo (ah)

Redo (ah)

デジャブなか? Redo (ah)
DEJABU ka na?  Redo (ah)
Is it deja-vu? Redo (ah)

saa ichi kara hyaku made herikutsu
from 1 to 100 furiously objecting

Blah blah blah

iigagen ni shiyagare
you act so irrisponsibly (rude)

Say more Blah blah blah

sore dare no tame no fake, sore ga love?
who do you fake it for? is that love?

Say Blah blah blah

iigagen ni shiyagare
you act so irrisponsibly (rude)

Say more Blah blah blah

The game is over? それではさよならDarling
the game is over? sore de wa sayonara darling
The games is over, it's goodbye darling.


It's pretty stressfull 憂鬱な Tommorow
it's pretty stressfull yuutsu na tommorow
It's pretty stressfull a gloomy tommorow

疲れるわ Yes-man 気づいてくれるかな?
tsukareru wa yes man kidzuite kureru ka na?
It's tiring, yes man, couldn't you notice that?

So stressful もう意識は朦朧
so stressful mou ishiki wa mourou
So stressful, my awareness is fading

独りよがりなLove そのたびに
hitori yogari na love sono tabi ni
self satisfied love, every time

You make me sad

Don't you know know

Don't you know know Hey


さあ次から次へと Redo
saa tsugi kara sugi e to redo
well, one after another, redo

are? nandome su ka TAIMURIIPU
what? how many times does time repeat


sakki tabeta mi manemane? kibun wa mone?
You ate the mimic devil fruit? You feelin ok?

teka areare?
you're all over the place?

それってCommand C to the V
sore tte command c to the v
that's just command c to the v

誰かの A to the Z
dareka no a to the z
someone else's a to the z

君らしい 華麗な後出し
kimi rashii karei na atodashi
just like you, a spendid waiting to see

One more time?

Don't gimmi that shit! まるでカオナシ
don't gimmi that shit! marude KAONASHI
don't gimmi that shit! a totally blank face

It's Showtime 超雄弁なあなた様は
it's showtime chou yuuben na anatasama wa
it's showtime you very eloquent lord

自称Geek でFleekでCheepなMr Creep
jishou geek de fleek de cheep na mr creep
who claims to be geek and fleek and a cheap mr creep

Blah blah blah

iigagen ni shiyagare
you act so irrisponsibly (rude)

Say more Blah blah blah

sore dare no tame no fake, sore ga love?
who do you fake it for? is that love?

Say Blah blah blah

iigagen ni shiyagare
you act so irrisponsibly (rude)

Say more Blah blah blah

なんとかは盲目なんて ウソウソ
nantoka wa moumoku nante USOUSO
shomehow being blind that's a lie

You make me sad

Don't you know?You make me sad

You make me sad

Don't you know?You make me sad

Uh Sadly, your my darling, but

You make me sad

Redo redo

Don't you know? You make me sad

改めないと次はないよ Darling Darling
aratamenai to tsugi wa nai yo darling darling
If you don't make amends there's no next time darling darling

You make me sad

Redo redo

Don't you know? You make me sad

ほら あとは指を落とすだけ Delete delete
hora ato wa yubi wo otosu dake delete delete
hey all that's left is to lose a finger, delete delete