Migma Shelter - Spider Line
Lyricist:Hiroaki Taniyaka
Composer:Hiroaki Taniyaka ・ Tomohiko Togashi
kaoru hasu no hanabira
the scented lotus petal
tareru hitosuji no ito
a single dangling thread
Don't you see that silver?
(face a time)
ランダムなストーリー 眩んだ像のように
RANDAMU na SUTOORII kuranda zou no you ni
a random story, like an image that dazzled
諦めの先に 見出すはフロンティア
akirame no saki ni midasu wa FURONTIA
before I give up I discover a frontier
現実はときに 唄のように奇なり
genjitsu wa toki ni uta no you ni kinari
reality is sometimes stranger than a song
迫りくる無常に 溢るるtears
semarikuru mujou ni afururu TEARS
in impending uncertainty tears fa-fall
紅の池に 佇む愚者は
kurenai no ike ni tatazumu gusha wa
in a deep red pond, a fool is standing
嘆くばかりで 忘却のユーフォリア
nageku bakari de boukyaku no YUUFOORIA
and only sighing, in a euphoria of forgetfulness
遥か上の方に 描いた線のように
haruka ue no hou ni egaita sen no you ni
in the distance above, in order to draw a line
kasuka ni hikaru
a faint light
ゆらめくSpider line
yurameku SPIDER LINE
the swaying spider line
巡るはカルマ 朽ちる定めと知るも
meguru wa KARUMA kuchiru sadame to shiru mo
surrounded by karma, a rotten fate, but you know
We need Spider line
Don't you notice this last hope?
the time to decide
You, Hurry up
hibiku byoushin no hitofuri
one echoing swing of the second hand
tareru hitosuji no ito
a single hanging thread
(ten no hi wo)
the day of heaven
その先は どこへ続いていくのか
sono saki wa doko he tsudzuite iku no ka
before that do we continue going somewhere?
目に映るは 香る蓮華の影
me ni utsuru wa kaoru renge no kage
the shadow of a fragrent lotus reflects in your eyes
迷う心池に溶かして この手に掴む
mayou kokoro ike ni tokashite kono te ni tsukamu
melt into my wavering heart's waters and grasp it with this hand
ゆらめくSpider line
yurameku SPIDER LINE
the swaying spider line
巡るはカルマ 朽ちる定めと知るも
meguru wa KARUMA kuchiru sadame to shiru mo
surrounded by karma, a rotten fate you know
We need Spider line
Don't you notice this last hope?
you grab or not?
Hey, Hurry up
(ten no hi wo)
the day of heaven
か細い糸だ 切れぬだろうか
kabosoi ito da kirenu darou ka
its a fragile thread, won't it break?
私だけの糸 糸 糸
watashi dake no ito ito ito
only for me, that thread ... thread ... thread