Migma Shelter - Sunrise=Sunset
chisai koro mabuta wo tojiru kotonaku omoiegaita mirai
when I was young I imagined the future with my eyes opened
それを乗り越えるSunrise 痛みもAlright
sore wo norikoeru SUNRISE itami mo ALRIGHT
over that clibs the sunrise, if it hurts it's alright
maa rui chikyuu wa hajimari to owari no tsunagari de kansei
the troubled earth is connected from beginning to end so is complete
ひかり塗り替えるSunset 針落とすTurnTable
hikari nurikaeru SUNSET hari otosu TURNTABLE
repainted in light at sunset, drop the needle on the turntable
夜明けへ… 夜明けへ…
yoake e yoake e
untill daybreak, untill daybreak
歩き始めた日常 実は安らぎに二人が立ち往生
arukihajimeta nichijou jitsu wa yasuragi ni futari ga tachioujou
setting out every day, in truth as two we stand still with peace of mind
強がりが悲しみを抱く 悪循環は孤独として自覚
tsuyogari ga kanashimi wo idaku akujunkan wa kodoku toshite jikaku
bravery embraces sadness, a vicious circle of self conciousness of isolation
逃げ込みたいなバーチャル 夢に見たアムステルを流れてる
nigekomitai na BAACHARU yume ni mita AMUSUTERU wo nagareteru
I want to escape in the virtual, the flowing Amstel I saw in a dream
途切れ始めた生命線 繋がらないものなら仕方ない
togirehajimeta seimeisen tsunagaranai mono nara shikatanai
the lifeline thats started to break, if it's disconnected it can't be helped
tsurai hibi, hora namida fuite
everyday pain, hey wipe those tears
toberu kai?
can you fly
yoake wa FURIIDAMU
daybreak is freedom
koko ni ita no sa
and it's here now
迎えるのは君と僕のSunrise Sunset
mukaeru no wa kimi to boku no SUNRISE SUNSET
we are meeting your and my sunrise sunset
yoake wa soko ni aru no sa
daybreak is right here now
There is sunrise and sunset every day.
聴き飛ばされたミュージック 哀れに思いながら指先はクリック
kikitobasareta MYUUJIKKU araware ni omoi nagara yubisaki wa KURIKKU
heard music flying out while thinking of sadness, click my fingertips
乗り遅れるなタイムマシーン 前進するだけでもだいぶマシ
noriokureru na TAIMUMASHIIN zenshin suru dake demo daibu mashi
I missed the timemachine it already left, but it's generally better that way
ANDARUSHIA na SUTAIRU de MACCHI hako narabe sekai wo souzou
I imagine a world of matchboxes lined up Andalusian style
KOMYUNIKEESHON ni wa chigainai ga aimai da jika ni aitai na
in communication one certainly is ambiguity, I want to meet it directly
yurari, hora namida fuite
swinging, hey wipe those tears
toberu kai?
can you fly
yoake wa FURIIDAMU
daybreak is freedom
koko ni ita no sa
and it's here now
迎えるのは君と僕のSunrise Sunset
mukaeru no wa kimi to boku no SUNRISE SUNSET
we are meeting your and my sunrise sunset
yoake wa soko ni aru no sa
daybreak is right here now
There is sunrise and sunset every day.
souzetsu なRALLY
a heroic rally
genjitsu wa souzetsu na RALLY
really, a heroic rally
wasuretai nara kyouretsu na RARII
I wanty to forget so it's a strong rally
oboretai nara kyouretsu na RARII
I want to drown so it's an intense rally
hoshi wo guruguru guruguru maware
spinning the stars around and around
chisai koro mabuta wo tojiru kotonaku omoiegaita mirai
when I was young I imagined the future with my eyes opened
それを乗り越えるSunrise 痛みもAlright
sore wo norikoeru SUNRISE itami mo ALRIGHT
over that clibs the sunrise, if it hurts it's alright
maa rui chikyuu wa hajimari to owari no tsunagari de kansei
the throubled earth is connected from beginning to end so is complete
ひかり塗り替えるSunset 針落とすTurnTable
hikari nurikaeru SUNSET hari otosu TURNTABLE
repainted in light at sunset, drop the needle on the turntable
yoake wa FURIIDAMU
daybreak is freedom
koko ni ita no sa
and it's here now
迎えるのは君と僕のSunrise Sunset
mukaeru no wa kimi to boku no SUNRISE SUNSET
we are meeting your and my sunrise sunset
yoake wa soko ni aru no sa
daybreak is right here now
There is sunrise and sunset every day.
yoake e to
towards the daybreak
Dance Dance その瞬間には
DANCE DANCE sono shunkan ni wa
danc dance in this moment
True True 愛に溢れたよ
TRUE TRUE ai ni afureta yo
true true overflowing with love
sore wa uso ja nai
and that's no lie
hitoribocchi demo
although I'm on my own
Sunrise その瞬間には
SUNRISE sono shunkan ni wa
sunrise in this moment
Sunset 愛に溢れたよ
SUNSET ai ni afureta yo
sunset overflowing with love
kurikaesu dake no
just repeat it again
subarashiki yoake
a wonderful daybreak