Migma Shelter - The Answer

Lyricist : 空五倍子 / Utsubushi
Composer : タニヤマヒロアキ / Taniyama Hiraoki


劣等孵卵 降りかかるは憐憫 & 罵詈雑言
rettou furan furikakaru wa renbin barizougon
to suffer low grade incubation is mercy and villification

迷宮に葬い 不意なピストンで踵を返す臨終
meikyuu ni tomurai fui na PISUTON de kibisuwokaesu rinjuu
buried in a maze, with a suddden push you turn on your deathbed

mitoru karenai hana FURASUKO no HIBI wo hoshigaru
wanting everyday to keep the fresco of flowers fresh

気取り褪せない物狂い 二面性を強いるは胚
kidori asenai monogurui nimensei wo shiiru wa hai
the insanity of repeated pretention, an embryo forcing both views


onyou bouchou ni yori haha no fuguu sore urusai na
expanding cosmic forces, tiresome like a mothers hard life

sansai no suijaku nandome ka no burai naro wo umidashita
how many time has weakness of heaven and earth given birth to villiany

mekuriageru suso no shiro ni sosogare yanda
to turn over the hem's whiteness and pour in disease

matsuriageru kanjou sennou kurikaesareteru, NANDE?
repeatedly brainwashed in high sentiment, what for?

夜明け前 きみを瞑想
yoake mae kimi wo meisou
before dawn, your meditation

終わらない 焦がれそう
owaranai kogaresou
unending yearning

hosoi ude wo toraete PURESU shite
grasping and pressing your thin arm

nogasanai you enzui kesu
turn off your inner brain so not to lose

the Answer

the Answer

檻の中浮浪 絶え間ない哀悼
ori no naka furou taemanai aitou
lost in a cage, with constant regret

こちら覗くのは胎児 閃く音波なら開示 阿吽さ
kochira nozoku no wa taiji hirameku onpa nara kaiji aun sa
peeking like an unborn child, undulating is an indication, ohm

warau mandara
laughing mandara

抵抗なき不老 永遠に思えた頃
teikou naki furou eien ni omoetakoro
youth without resistance, seeming eternal

包み込むは賛辞 無論に自己暗示 阿吽さ
tsutsumikomu wa sanji muron ni jikoanji aun sa
wrapping up's a eulogy, naturally self suggesting, ohm

warau mandara
laughing mandara


夜明け前 きみを瞑想
yoake mae kimi wo meisou
your mediatation before dawn

終わらない 焦がれそう
owaranai kogaresou
never ending you love it so

hosoi ude wo toraete PURESU shite
seize my thin arm pressing it

nogasanai you enzui kesu
so not to lose it clear my mind

the Answer

the Answer

the Answer


だるさ徘徊 委ねるは My Life
darusa haikai yudaneru wa MY LIFE
my life gives way to loitering fatigue

教師埋葬 狂わされた My Soul
kyoushi maisou kuruwasareta MY SOUL
my soul is driven may by buried teaching

飛べるかい? 深層心理を敢えて読み違えて
toberu kai? shinsoushinri wo aete yomichigaete
can you fly? I faced up to and misread my unconcious mind

不安内在 差し伸べる My Life
fuannaizai sashinoberu MY LIFE
inherently insecure my life reaches out

春を回想 古ぼけた My Soul
haru wu kaisou furuboketa MY SOUL
reminiscing of spring has worn out soul

いけるかい? この淫らな傷跡も 未来に生ハロー ハロー ハロー
ikeru kai? kono midara na kizuato mo mirai nisei (HAROO HAROO)
are you alive? even this dirty scar lives on (Hello Hello)

夢見て後悔 弱音は My Life
yumemite koukai yowane wa MY LIFE
my life is complaints of a dream I regret

蒼い想像 みなぎるのは My Soul
aoi souzou minagiru no wa MY SOUL
my soul is overflowing with blue imagination

飛べるかい? 高層常識を敢えて踏み外せ
toberu kai? kousou joushiki wo aete fumihazuse
can you fly? I lose my footing at the wall of reason

呼吸再再 始まりの My Life
kokyuu saisai hajimari no MY LIFE
frequently breathing is the beginning of my life

未来偶像 終わりなき My Soul
mirai guuzou owari naki MY SOUL
future images never end my soul

いけるかい? この日々にさよならして エゴ猛る蒼 ハロー ハロー
ikerukai? kono hibi ni sayonara shite EGO takeru (HAROO HAROO)
are you alive? say goodbye to these days my ego rages (Hello Hello)

誰もいない世界 世界
daremo inai sekai sekai
a world with no one inside, a world
