Migma Shelter - Tornado
作詞:空五倍子 lyrics: Utsubushi作曲:タニヤマヒロアキ music: Hiroaki Taniyama
編曲:タニヤマヒロアキ arrangement: Hiroaki Taniyama
Mix:Hiroki Otsuka
Horizon 見渡す限り
HORIZON miwatasu kagiri
The horizon, as far as I can see
watashi ni somete mitai
looking like it's coloured by me
KYARAMERU no you ni torokeru taiyou
the sun melting like caramel
wo name mawashitai
I want to tase it all
躊躇いなく 堕落 脳内ごと揺らす
tamerai naku daraku nounai goto yurasu
without hesitation, deprivation, mind is shaking
その感情 懊悩 欲しがらないの
sono kanjou ounou hoshigaranai no
that feeling, frustration, don't you want it?
噛み付いちゃう Catch up 悪い子猫 Meow
kamitsuichou CATCH UP warui koneko MEOW
all chewed up, catch up, bad kitty, meow
その牙むしり取るからね! いいの?
sono kiba mushiritoru kara ne! ii no?
because those teeth are torn off, ok
誰彼も Upside Down
darekare mo UPSIDE DOWN
everybody upside down
誰彼も Upside Down
darekare mo UPSIDE DOWN
everybody upside down
愛するほど 君を引き裂いて
aisuru hodo kimi wo hikisaite
just loving tears you apart
kui chirakashiteru uchi ni
while wolfing it all down
時は流れ 我を失って
toki wo nagare ware wo ushinatte
time flows, loosing oneself
ano sora wo fukigen ni shite ita
to the displeasure of that sky
Distance, Ah Ah
Braking Distance. Ah Ah
帰る場所はないの 誰も帰さないよ
kaeru basho wa nai no daremo kaesanai yo
with no place to return to, nobody will return
気づいてよ 靴擦れの痛み
kidzuite yo kutsuzure no itami
I notice the pain of my sore feet
daremo watashi no koto wasurenaide ite ne
no one will forget all about me
yurusareru koto sae mo kowai
even if I am forgiven I'm scared
躊躇いなく 堕落 脳内ごと揺らす
tamerai naku daraku nounai goto yurasu
without hesitation, deprivation, mind is shaking
その感情 懊悩 欲しがらないの
sono kanjou ounou hoshigaranai no
that feeling, frustration, don't you want it?
噛み付いちゃう Catch up 悪い子猫 Meow
kamitsuichou CATCH UP warui koneko MEOW
all chewed up, catch up, bad kitty, meow
憎まれ口もこれで最後 いいの?
nikumareguchi mo kore de saigo ii no?
that's the last of the verbal abuse, ok?
Who killed Wicked Witch? I, said the Dorothy,
Who killed Wicked Witch? I, said the Dorothy,
Who killed Wicked Witch? I, said the Dorothy,
With my Tornado, I killed Wicked Witch.