Momoko Kikuchi - Ai No Projection
菊池桃子 - 恋のPROJECTIONMomoko kikuchi - Ai no Projection
Momoko kikuchi - Love's Projection
ORENJI no TONNERU wo nukete
comming out of the orange tunnel
MARIINA e tsudzuku michi hashiru
running along the road to the marina
彼女はテープに入れたlove song
kanojo wa TEEPU ni ireta LOVE SONG
a love song she recorded on tape
思いをメドレーにして"For You!"
omoi wo MEDOREE ni shite "FOR YOU!"
a medley of feelings mode, "for you"
彼女の恋が (one way traffic zone ぬけだして) 壁のもとへ
kanojo no koe ga (ONE WAY TRAFFIC ZONE nukedashite) kabe no moto e
her voice is (slipping out of the one way traffic zone) return to the barrier
私はいつか (その気持ち伝わると)信じてたの
watashi itsuka (sono kimochi tsutawaru to) shinjiteta no
one day I will (convey those feelings) I do believe
今友達だけど ゆるいカープで ロマンスへ かたむくの
ima tomodachi dakedo yurui KAAPU de ROMANSU e katamuku no
for now, they are only friends but, are slowly moving toward a romantic couple
皆んなには 突然のハプニング
minna ni wa totsuzen no HAPUNINGU
to everyone else, it seems a sudden change
パーティーは 蜂の其の騒ぎ
PAATI wa hachi no sono sawagi
the party is like a roaring nest of bees
照れてる 彼をひやかす Good-Friends
tereteru kare wo hiyakasu GOOD FRIENDS
making fun of the shy boy are good friends
彼女を大事にしてと I Say!
kanojo wo daiji ni shite to I SAY!
he has decided to amke her the one, I say
走る思いに (ブレーキをかけていた) 去年の夏
hashiru omoi ni (BUREEKI wo kakete ita) kyonen no natsu
in running emotions (the brakes where put on) last summer
恋を失くした (彼のこと遠くから) みつめていた
koi wo nakushita (kare no koto tooku kara) mitsumete ita
love was lost (because he was far away) watching intently
今 そんな彼女のー途な想いロマンスを叶えたの
ima sonna kanojo no michi na omoi ROMANSU wo kanaeta no
now, that girl's train of thought, is for this romance to come true
彼の心と (Love Safety Zone つかんだら) 離さないで
kare no kokoro to (LOVE SAFETY ZONE tsukandara) hanasanaide
hold onto his heart (if you catch the love safety zone) don't let go
素敵な2人 (いつまでも微笑んで) 見ていたいの
suteki na futari (itsu made mo hohoende) miteitai no
a wonderful couple (forever smiling) is what I want to see
今 サイドシートに幸せ載せてロマンスに向かうのね
ima SAIDOSHIITO ni shiawase nosete ROMANSU ni mukau no ne
now, they move towards the happiness they had set aside