Perfume - Fakeit
Perfume - Fake it世界で一番好きだ的な
sekai de ichiban suki da teki na
something like "you are the best in the world"
anata shika iranai no yo teki na
something like "it has to be you"
anata no tame ni ikiru wa teki na
something like "I live for you"
事なんて絶対に今は言わないわ Fake it
koto nante zettai ni ima wa iwanai wa Fake it
Right now I won't say anything like that, fake it
最高になりたくって 一番になりたくって
saikou ni naritakutte ichiban ni naritakutte
I want to be the best, I want to be number one
ねえもっと気にとめて キミの興味ひきたくって
nee motto ki ni tomete KIMI no kyoumi hikitakutte
Hey, pay me more attention, I want to catch your interest
なのにまた強がって ちょっぴりのムリもして
na no ni mata tsuyogatte choppiri no muri mo shite
But I'm still trying to be tough and bear it just a little bit
残念な結果だって 落ち込んでる暇はないよ
zannen na kekka datte ochikonderu hima wa nai yo
With unfortunate results, but there's no time to feel down
(jama shinaide) timing mihakaratte
(Don't get in the way) Choosing my timing
(watashi wo mite) omoikitte kyori wo tsumete
(Look at me) Boldly closing the distance
(ugokidashite) kotoba ni dasanakuccha
(Get moving) I've got to put it into words
(この気持ちを)今しかない でも
(kono kimochi wo) ima shikanai demo
(This feeling) it has to be now, but...
sekai de ichiban suki da teki na
something like "you are the best in the world"
anata shika iranai no yo teki na
something like "it has to be you"
anata no tame ni ikiru wa teki na
something like "I live for you"
事なんて絶対に今は言わないわ Fake it
koto nante zettai ni ima wa iwanai wa Fake it
Right now I won't say anything like that, fake it
大人気キミにとって 特別になりたくって
daininki KIMI ni totte tokubetsu ni naritakutte
Although you're popular, I want to be special to you
もっと一緒にいて 今夜はねえふたりきりで
motto issho ni ite konya wa nee futarikiri de
stay with me some more, tonight, just the two of us
(jama shinaide) timing mihakaratte
(Don't get in the way) Choosing my timing
(watashi wo mite) omoikitte kyori wo tsumete
(Look at me) Boldly closing the distance
(ugokidashite) kotoba ni dasanakuccha
(Get moving) I've got to put it into words
(この気持ちを)今しかない でも
(kono kimochi wo) ima shikanai demo
(This feeling) it has to be now, but...
sekai de ichiban suki da teki na
something like "you are the best in the world"
anata shika iranai no yo teki na
something like "it has to be you"
anata no tame ni ikiru wa teki na
something like "I live for you"
事なんて絶対に今は言わないわ Fake it
koto nante zettai ni ima wa iwanai wa Fake it
Right now I won't say anything like that, fake it