Seiko Oomori - Aishiteru Dot Com
愛してる.com きみのすべてがのってるサイト 水属性弱いの
aishiteru DOT COM kimi no subete ga notteru SAITO mizu zokusei yowai no
I love you .com, the site with everythign about you, weak against water types
恋してる最中 こんなドラマで泣いちゃうくらい おかしいの
koishiteru saichuu konna DORAMA de naichau kurai okashii no
like crying in the middle of this drama of being in love, it's stange
ano mise nara aeru keredo
I can meet you at that shop but
sou ja nai michikado de guuzen aitai
I won't, I'd rather bump into you on the street
morning morning はじめて うれしいの
MORNING MORNING hajimete ureshii no
morning morning for the first time, so happy
calling calling あいしてる 今日も
CALLING CALLING aishiteru kyou mo
calling calling I love you, still today
kimi no OSUSUME ni omoshiroi mono wa hitotsu mo nakatta
your recommendation didn't have a single interresting thing
それでもついていきたいと思った たのしい日曜日
sore demo tsuite ikitai to omotta tanoshii nichiyoubi
yet still, I thought I wanted to accompany you on this fun sunday
aishiteru DOT COM koushin
I love you .com update
愛してる.com 家族で外食ばったり会うと なんか照れるね
aishiteru DOT COM kazoku de gaoshoku battari auto nanka tereru ne
I love you .com bumping into you eating out with family being somewhat shy
恋してる最中 きっといつかの話だけNGよ
koishiteru saichuu kitto itsuka no hanashi dake EN JII you
being in love with you, we'll surely speak someday is not good enough
omoide dake kirei nante
just memories are beautiful
大人のやることよ 腐らないで
otona no yaru koto yo kusaranaide
its what adults do, don't let it go bad
darling darling はじめてを全部あげるよ
DARLING DARLING hajimete wo zenbu ageru yo
darling darling I give you all of the first times
calling calling わかるまで 愛してるよ 絶対
CALLING CALLING wakaru made aishiteru yo zettai
calling calling untill you understand I love you always
kimi no rakugaki ni zanshin na mono hitotsu mo nakatta
what you write doesn't contain a single original thing
それでもなんか笑える毎日 逆に新しい
sore demo nanka waraeru mainichi gyakuni atarashii
and yet it makes me laugh every day, on the contrary it's fresh
aishiteru DOT COM koushin
I love you .com update
kimi no OSUSUME ni omoshiroi mono wa hitotsu mo nakatta
your recommendation didn't have a single interresting thing
それでもついていきたいと思った たのしい日曜日
sore demo tsuite ikitai to omotta tanoshii nichiyoubi
yet still, I thought I wanted to accompany you on this fun sunday
kimi no rakugaki ni sanshin na mono hitotsu mo nakatta
what you write doesn't contain a single original thing
それでもなんか笑える毎日 逆に新しい
sore demo nanka waraeru mainichi gyakuni atarashii
and yet it makes me laugh every day, on the contrary it's fresh
愛してる.com きみのすべてがのってるサイト 更新完了☆
aishiteru DOT COM kimi no subete ga notteru SAITO koushin kanryou
I love you .com, the site with everythign about you, update complete