Shiina Ringo - Seishun No Matataki
美しさと正しさが 等しくあると
utsukushisa to tadashisa ga hitoshiku aru to
beauty and rightousness can exist equally
疑わないで居られるのは 若さ故なんだ
utagawanaide irareru no wa wakasa yue nanda
being unable to doubt is the reason for youth
子供みたいに疲れを忘れて 寄り掛り合えば
kodomo mitai ni tsukare wo wasurete yorikakari aeba
like a child forget tiredness, if we lean on each other
僕らはたった独りでいるよりも 有りの侭になる
bokura wa tatta hitoride iru yori mo ari no mama ninaru
we will become not just one person, but what we are now
時よ止まれ 何ひとつ変わっては ならないのさ
toki yo tomare nani hitotsu kawatte wa naranai no sa
it's time, stop! you should not change a single thing
今正に僕ら目指していた場所へ 辿り着いたんだ
ima masani bokura mezashite ita basho e tadori tsuita n da
surely now we struggle on to the place we are aiming for
atarashisa to tashikasa wo hitoshiku motome
newness and certainty we are equally wish for
生命をほんの少しだけ 前借りしたんだ
inochi wo honno sukoshi dake maegari shita n da
just a little life has been loaned to us
大人になって恥じらい覚えて 寄り掛り合えば
otona ni natte hajirai oboete yorikakari aeba
becomming an adult remembering shyness, if we lean on each other
僕らはきっと互いの重さを 疎ましく思うだろう
bokura wa kitto tagai no omosa wo utomashiku omou darou
we surely, remember the unpleasant weight of each other
いつも何故か 気付いた時にはもう 跡形も無い
itsumo nazeka kizuita toki ni wa mou atokata mo nai
somehow even when we notice, there's always no trace
伸ばす手の先で消え失せる物 程欲しくなるんだ
nobasu te no saki de kieuseru mono hodo hoshiku naru nda
what dissapears before our outstretched hand becomes our desire
時よ止まれ 何ひとつ変わっては ならないのさ
toki yo tomare nani hitotsu kawatte wa naranai no sa
it's time, stop! you should not change a single thing
今正に僕ら目指していた場所へ 辿り着いたんだ
ima masani bokura mezashite ita basho e tadori tsuita n da
surely now we struggle on to the place we are aiming for
Tell me why all the time when you find new lies,
there's not a trace left behind
While I'm in your hands, in our hands so I will be just fine,
I will be back in my heart