Tokyo Girls Style - Juujika

[ 東京女子流 - 十字架 ]
[ Toukyou Joshi Ryuu - Juujika ]
[ Tokyo Girl's Style - The Cross ]

迷路に誘う あなたの言葉
meiro ni sasou anata no kotoba
your words invite me into the labyrith

やさしく響く 冷たく響く
yasashiku hibiku tsumetaku hibiku
they echo softly, they echo coldly

hikari to yami no sukima ni
in the gap between light an dark

あなたは帰る 場所へと急ぐ
anata wa kaeru basho e to isogu
you hurry back to the place you come from

指から時が 流れて落ちる
yibu kara toki ga nagarete ochiru
time flows away from you fingers

kasaneta tsumi no hate ni
In the end your crimes add up

どんなに この手を 遠く伸ばしても
donna ni kono te wo tooku nobashite mo
no matter how far out I stretch my hands

本当の あなたに 届くことはない
honto no anata ni todoku koto wa nai
I will never reach the real you

十字架 もう許されることのない
Juujika mou yurusareru koto wa nai
the Cross, you won't be forgiven for anything

yubisaki ga kasanari egaita kiseki
the image of your fingers crossed

十字架 心に深く刻まれた
Juujika kokoro ni fukaku kizamareta
the Cross, it's etched deep into my heart

watashi wa ano hi no hikari motome samayou
I still hold hope for the light of that day


コインを投げて 明日を決める
COIN wo nagete ashita wo kimeru
throwing a coin, deciding on tommorow

あなたと私 過去も未来も
anata to watashi kako mo mirai mo
you and me, both in past and future

ushinau koto wo shitte mo
you know that we must part

消えない傷跡 繰り返すメビウス
kienai kizuato kurikaesu MEBIUSU
the scar that remains, repeating endlessly

囁く悪魔に かさなる影
sasayaku akuma ni kasanaru gake
shadows gather in your whispering demon

ON DESTINY 決して寄り添うことのない
ON DESUTINII kesshite yorisou koto wa nai
On Destiny, we will never be close together

futari ga kasanari egaku juujika
the crosses we drew together

anata no tsumi no nai hitomi no oku ni
on the inside of your guiltless eyes

輝く 光を見つめ続けていたい
kagayaku hikari wo mitsume tsudzukete itai
I want to keep staring at the shining light


どんなに この手を 遠く伸ばしても
donna ni kono te wo tooku nobashite mo
no matter how far away you hands stretch out

本当の あなたに 届くことはない
honto no anata ni todoku koto wa nai
you never reach your real self

十字架 もう許されることのない
Juujika mou yurusareru koto wa nai
the Cross, you will never be forgiven

yubisaki ga kasanari egaita kiseki
the picture of your fingers crossed

十字架 心に深く刻まれた
Juujika kokoro ni fukaku kizamareta
the Cross, it's etched deep into your heart

watashi wa ano hi no hikari motome samayou
I still wish for the light of that day
