Zenbu Kimi No Sei Da - World End Crisis

[ 作詞 (Sakushi / Lyrics by):GESSHI類 ]
[ 作曲 (Sakkyoku / Music by):syva ]
[ 編曲 (Henkyoku / Arrangement):syva ]

刺して犯した 何処の奥まで
sashite okashita doko no oku made
violently stabbing, untill you reach inside somewhere

決して、日和った? 意気地なし。
keshite hiyotta? ikujinashi
you've not decided at all? coward

Where is Freud? 宵と欲動
where is freud? yoi to yokudou
where is freud? desires in the night

インモラルくれいぶ (the order)
INMORARU kureibu (the order)
immoral craving (the order)

賭して奪った 星の数だけ
toshite ubatta hoshi no kazu dake
risked and stolen, only a number of stars

欠けて腐った さようなら…
kakete kusatta sayonara
chipped and rotten, goodbye

焦がれてく 大罪bluff 逆さま NO AI
kogareteku daizai bluff saka sama NO AI
you love it, bluffing is a crime, upside down no love

下弦 月が照らす 怪者達ヨ その目は…
kagen tsuki ga terasu kaimontachi o sono me wa
the moons last quarter shines on strange people, with those eyes

震えてる今も ”あたしはどこ?”
furueteru ima mo "atashi wa doko?"
shivering even now "where am I?"

zankoku na toki no shirabe ni
in music for cruel times

この首絞めるの? 堕ちるのダレ?
kono kubi shimeru no? ochiru no DARE?
strangle this neck? who's downfall is it?

atashi dake ga kowarete ...?
Only I am broken?

(In dark diver. With XXX)

(But , I can not. Are not move legs)

(To your lingering scent, what intensely numbness.)

(So not a move from here . but you do not.)

(Overwhelming loneliness)

迷い苦悩痛みもがき 求めずにはいられない
mayoi kunou itami mogaki motomezu ni wa irarenai
compelled to persue a lost struggle in painful agony

咎を背負い歩く ゆえに 奇祭とツミビト
toga o seoi aruku yueni kisai to TSUMIBITO
walking with a burden of sin is a ritual to a sinner

震えてる暇も 時間もない
furueteru hima mo jikan mo nai
even shivering there is no more time

慟哭は絶えず 鳴り散る
doukoku wa taezu nari chiru
the wailing is constantly a ringing sound

この首絞めるの? 堕ちる雫
kono kubi shimeru no? ochiru shizuku
strangle this neck? the falling water drop

あなただけが “触れるの…”
anata dake ga "fueru no ..."
only you are "touching it .."

(I very hate you. I love you so.)

(I very hate you. I love you so.)

(I very hate you. I love you so.)

(My religion is you.)

溶ける脳と想い 俯瞰 届かない? 夢物語?
tokeru nou to omoi fukan todokanai? yumemonogatari
your melting brain and thoughts, it's seems you're not there yet? is this a wild dream?

違う! 張り裂けるこの胸 汚れを汚して。
chigau! harisakeru kono mune kegare o yogoshite
no! this broken heart is polluted with filth

震えてる今を。 “あたしはなに?”
fueteru ima o "atashi wa nani?"
I am shivering now "what am I?"

echo in asymmetry

kono kubi shimete yo ochiru no nara
this neck is being strangled? because of this downfall

atashi to anata dake de
the downfall is just yours and mine

hitotsu dake, hitotsu dake iwasete hoshii koto ga aru
just one thing, just one thing I want to be able to say

atashi wa anata ga
I want you

hoshikute hoshikute hoshikute hoshikute hoshikute hoshikute hoshikute
want you want you want you want you want you want you want you

tamaranai mama ..
it's unbearable like this ...